IA Enhances Multimedia Production

Por: Janelys Heredia Orona (janelys.heredia@upr.edu)

Multimedia is the art of combining various forms of media to create content. These media
formats can include texts, audio, images, videos and animations. Even though multimedia
productions are heavily used in the entertainment industry, they’re also used in creative industries, commerce, education, social work purposes, communication, journalism, engineering, medicine, research, interior designing, etc.

For example, the use of multimedia productions can help students better understand complex concepts by presenting animations. Artists can showcase their creativity through sound and graphics. Multimedia is accessible in the technology of your preference, it’s affordable and it enables real-time interactive feedback from it’s users. Humans create multimedia productions. On the contrary, AI is the simulation of human intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is processed by machines, especially computer systems. It is a set of technologies that enables computers to perform advanced functions such as: analyzing data, reasoning, learning, planning and creating. AI was originally created in 1956 by John McCarthy, but it has become popular now days due to it’s improvement and impressive growth in machine learning and deep learning. Today, AI’s abilities include speech, generating human language with
accuracy, voice recognition, voice imitation, understanding human emotions, powering self
driving cars, creating visual art, writing academic essays, can get trained, assisting doctors with diagnosing diseases, translating languages in real time and much more.

Many experts are surprised by how quickly AI has developed and fear it’s rapid growth could be dangerous. Some even worry that AI could make us humans extinct. It is predicted that the impact of AI on the job market will be significant, as 85 million jobs could be displaced. However, it is also believed that AI could create new jobs as a part of the AI revolution. I believe that AI can enhance multimedia productions. An example of this AI era advantage is that this technology can accelerate multimedia productions. AI tools can remove background noises in podcast productions, AI driven writing assistants can produce drafts based on keywords and this can speed up the writing process, can generate and suggest new project ideas, create image references for art projects and much more. As a Multimedia student, I think that it’s important to use new technologies, such as AI towards our advantage

Author: Colaborador/a de Tinta Digital

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